Handle: Flare

Real name: Dan

Age/birth date: 24 - 11/19/85

Location: Long Island, NY

Occupation/major: Screenwriter, novelist, playwright

Quote: "Just because you're doing something you love doesn't mean it isn't still work."

Battle.net account(s): danblev@gmail.com


To be honest, I can't say my bio is very interesting. Several years ago I was searching for quality StarCraft campaigns on the internet and I came across The Antioch Chronicles: Episode One. I became an instant fan and I have remained one ever since. I was present at the "birth" of the original forum, the "Mystery Hero" contest, the release of Episode Two, etc., etc... I've lived through... geez... four different forums, is it?

Next year I'll be beginning college at New York University's Tisch School of Arts as a drama/musical theater major. Don't worry though - sophomore year I'll be double majoring in the School of Arts and Sciences for writing. Gotta do something practical, right?

Damn, this was a long time ago. Well... I'm a college graduate now, currently in the process of finishing my first novel, doing a staged reading of a new musical I wrote the libretto for later this month, and trying to sell my screenplays. Life is good. Although, I must admit that looking over this old bio makes me feel quite old...

Affiliations/forum groups: Ex-WASTEr

Web sites: N/A

Contact info: danblev@gmail.com

Date Joined: Uh... the beginning? God knows when that was...