Starcraft/Brood WarLocaleAntiochLocaleInformation
2200 ADAntioch ZeroAiur/UmbraA mad Judicator attempts to unleash a forbidden secret.
2209 ADTurmalis: HomecomingAiurThe Auriga Expeditionary Fleet returns home to find some unexpected changes.
2229 ADEarthUPL formed. The Great Purification begins.
2272 ADEarthThe Great Purification ends. The Long Sleep begins.
2300 ADKoprulu SectorThe Long Sleep ends. Terrans arrive in the Koprulu Sector.
2485 ADKoprulu SectorKorhal Nuked. Guild Wars begin.
2489 ADKoprulu SectorGuild Wars end.
2491 ADHarley Rourke: A Fateful MeetingUnknownA chance encounter at an underground anti-Confederate rally alters the course of two war-torn lives.
2499 AD (October)Laurioch: Rite of PassageShakuras/UmbraAn aging Protoss seeks to make peace with his past as the cold void of death approaches to embrace him.
PROLOGUE: Loomings
Strong-arm (November 8th, 2499)Chau Sara
Den of the Beast (November 8th, 2499)Chau Sara
Extermination (November 12th, 2499)Chau Sara
StarCraft (Cinematic) (December 8th, 2499)Chau Sara High OrbitThe Protoss incinerate Chau Sara.
EPISODE I: Rebel Yell
Wasteland (December 12th, 2499)Mar Sara
Backwater Station (December 13th, 2499)Mar Sara
Desperate AllianceMar Sara
The Jacobs Installation (3 hrs after previous mission)Mar Sara
Downing of Norad II (Cinematic)
Norad II (January 1st, 2500)
Biting The Bullet (January 3rd, 2500)
The Trump Card
The Big Push
Open Rebellion (Cinematic)
Operation Silent Scream (January 12th, 2500)
New GettysburgTarsonis
The Hammer Falls
The Inauguration (Cinematic)Korhal
EPISODE II: Overmind
09—The Invasion Of AiurAiurZethys' minions arrive on Aiur, he has made his deal with the Combine and the psi-dampening cocoon is seeded. A cerebrate is left nearby to keep watch.
10—Full CircleAiur
01—First StrikeAntioch
02—Into The FlamesAntioch
03—Higher GroundscionKhorun & Nurohk: A Tale of Two ZealotsThe cocoon becomes active while the warriors defend Scion. Fenix dies after this mission, due to the cocoon
04—The Hunt For TassadarChar
05—Choosing SidesChar
06—Into The DarknessChar
Moloch: The Hunt BeginsMoloch arrives with Zeratul's crew. Zeratul senses the cocoon and orders Moloch to seek out this psionic anomaly. He begins walking toward Antioch.
08—The Trial Of TassadarAiurTurmalis defends the conclave.
09—Shadow HuntersAiur
10—Eye Of The StormAiurThe Overmind dies
EPISODE I: Psionic Storm
01—Approach To AntiochAntiochTurmalis detects the Psi-Cocoon and begins his investigation.
02—Templar SurroundedAntioch
03—Stand At JepokAntiochN/T mysteriously appears

Mox & Gurney: Down & Out In Bora Dalis

Broker: The Price of Power

The seat of power holds both temptation and responsibility. One man in that seat contemplates the beginning of a chain of events that will change the face of the sector... for better or for worse.

Trench In Bora Dalis

Trench: Another Day, Another Dollar

Trench infiltrates a secret pirate base in hopes of discovering the answer to a mystery that draws him from Tornod all the way to Korhal.
The Korhal ConnectionMox joins up with Gurney at Bora Dalis, they go to Char.
04—Tin In The AshesCharMox and Gurney discovered trying to get into an abandoned lab.
05—In The Broken GlassCharMox goes into the lab.
06—Siege At MidnightCharThe heroes must defend their base as the Zerg close in.
07—The Auriga GambitAntiochA daring tactical manuever allows the heroes to cut a pathway to the Cocoon.
08—Darkest ThunderheadAntiochThe cocoon is destroyed
EPISODE IV: The StandEPISODE II: Negative Suns
01—Escape From AiurAiur00—The Sundering (AfterShocks)New Brisbane Station

Evacuation of Aiur ordered. Raynor & Fenix left behind on Aiur. Moloch visits them briefly while passing through as he hunts for the cerebrate responsible for the cocoon. He arrives at the Temple of Jepok and discovers N/T is alive and has a minor confrontation with him.

Mox is cast off the station

02—Dunes Of ShakurasShakuras01—Embers of JepokAntiochTurmalis and crew return late into the evac and discover Moloch at the Temple of Jepok
03—Legacy of the Xel'NagaNew Antioch02—Planetfall03—Blades in the Rain

Tornod III


Mox arrives at Bora Dalis, meets Anduin, hires Trench

Moloch and Turmalis discover the cerebrate that had guarded the cocoon and kill it

04—The Quest For UrajBraxis04—Asterisk05—Highlanders

New Brisbane Station

Tornod III

Kerrigan reveals the existence of a new Overmind to Zeratul.

Trench finds the evidence

Mox and crew defend Anduin's village

05—The Battle of BraxisBraxis06—Twilight Cullingoutskirts of New Antioch

The UED reveals itself to the Protoss as they arrive to conquer Braxis. (Terran 01)

Koruhn and Nurohk die

06—Return To CharChar

07—Mirror, Mirror

Khrillian: Dark Prophecy

New AntiochTrench arrives with the evidence as the local Templar are discovered missing. Strange Protoss warriors attack and Zerg attack.
07—The InsurgentNew Antioch08—BoomerangTornod IIIAldaris killed by Kerrigan.Mox and Gurney arrested
08—CountdownShakurasThe Cleansing of Shakuras
Epilogue: Hands in The Dark (MindShadow)
EPISODE V: The Iron FistEPISODE III: Thoughts in ChaosKerrigan warns Raynor & Fenix of the UED and the new Overmind?
01—First StrikeBraxis

Haley Rourke: Feminine Wiles

The Anduins: 15 Minutes of Fame

01—Judgment Day

New Antioch

Samir Duran joins UED.

Pirates attack, Gurney escapes, Mox is transferred, Moloch disappears, Rockwell's past revealed.

02—The Dylarian ShipyardsDylar IV02—Warm ReceptionAiur

UED captures a fleet of battle-cruisers.

Turmalis and Khrillian arrive on Aiur, fight and lose.

03—Ruins of TarsonisTarsonis03—Ex-FactorSikarra

UED discovers a psi-emitter.

Sikarra Invaded.

04—Assault On Korhalkorhal04—JailbreakRykos IV

The UED attacks the Dominion throneworld.

Mox and Moloch meet Zethys.

05—Emperor's Fallkorhal05—Shadows In MotionAiur

Raynor rescues Mengsk and puts him on ice.

Turmalis and Khrillian rescued by The Gray.

06—Emperor's FlightAiur06—Frozen AssetsRykos IV

Raynor and Mengsk escape through the warp gate on Aiur. Fenix is with them now.

Moloch and Mox escape prison and look for transport offworld.

07—Patriot's Blood

(April 23rd, 2500)

Braxis07—Eye To EyeUmbra

Stukov dies.

2nd Eye found. Broker defeated.

08—To Chain The Beast (May 5th, 2500)Char08—Eyes of The BeholderNitramneadh, UmbraThe New Overmind captured by the UED.N/T and Zethys defeated.
09—Epilogue: Manifest DestiniesNitramneadhSevorak awakens.
01—Vile DisruptionTarsonisRaynor & Fenix join Kerrigan with Mengsk in tow.
02—Reign of FireBraxis
03—The Kel-Morian CombineMoriaKerrigan's forces attack the Combine for resources.
04—The Liberation of KorhalKorhalKorhal is liberated from the UED.
05—True ColorsKorhalFenix dies again. Duke too.
06—Fury of the SwarmTarsonis
07—Drawing of the WebShakurasKerrigan kidnaps Raszagal.
08—To Slay The BeastCharKerrigan kills the New Overmind.
09—The ReckoningCharRaszagal dies
09a—Dark OriginDark MoonZeratul discovers Duran's hybrids.
10—OmegaCharKerrigan defeats Dugalle of the UED, Artanis of the Protoss and Mengsk of the Terran Dominon.

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