Revision #1

Sometime in 2003, Antioch co-creator ZeusLegion decided to finish A3. He also wanted to revisit the original campaigns and expand them to fit better into the expanded storyline (recruiting some forumers to help and test). The "A4E Edition" of The Antioch Chronicles would expand the campaigns from 8 or so missions to 10 or 12.

Only one map made it out (in an incomplete form), a prologue map for Episode I:

Visser saved this little IM convo about it:

ZeusLegion says:

Visser says:
im here

ZeusLegion says:
I'm thinking of doingTAC 3

Visser says:
i support that already

ZeusLegion says:
well, more than doing TAC 3...

ZeusLegion says:
I want to add 3 maps to Ep1 and 2 maps to Ep2... and rework a bunch of stuff