Revision #68

Age: 19
Occupation: College Student
Whereabouts: Nowhere, Illinois (roughly around the middle)

Mag's Stack of Stuff

Stokermania '03
The 2004 Antioch Cast Picture Page
Max Payne 2 Review

What's Up

December 6

Kerry drops the F-bomb

Reportedly, John Kerry has hired David Mamet as his official speechwriter. This marks the greatest use of on-the-campaign-trail profanity, edging out Dubya's 1999 labeling of Adam Clymer as a "major leage asshole."

Big time!

December 2

"White folks was in caves while we was building empires... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." — Rev. Al Sharpton in a 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ


But, seriously folks. Haven't you ever wanted to read the Gettysburg Address in 29 different languages? Sure you have.