Revision #7

The Antioch Chronicles

Maps and Campaigns

The Antioch Chronicles began as a campaign for Blizzard Entertainment's Starcraft. It was created by Auspex Turmalis.

There were a handful of miscellaneous Starcraft downloads outside of the campaigns:

Fiction and Artwork

Antioch had an extensive universe, mostly fleshed out by ZeusLegion. Other sections relating to the storyline:

And some miscellaneous left-overs and extras:

The Antioch Chronicles™ © 1998, Eric Dieter & Ruben Moreno. All rights reserved. The Antioch Chronicles™ trademark and associated logos are the exclusive property of Eric Dieter & Ruben Moreno. Characters and distinctive likenesses thereof, character names, item names, place names, named events, artwork and all other related material not disclosed herein are protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any reproduction, retransmission, or unauthorized use herein is prohibited without express written permission.

StarCraft® is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved.