Revision #2


Warning: This recipe is not for the faint of heart as it takes several hours to prepare!


2 Cups Sifted Flour
6 Tbsp. Vegetable Oil
1 Tsp. Salt
1/2 Cup Water

1 Lb. Ground Meat (I used venison)
1 Onion
1 Red Bell Pepper
Red Pepper
1 Lemon
Finely Sliced Ginger
Crushed Garlic

1 Tub of Plain Yogurt
1 Cucumber
More Cilantro, Garlic, and Ginger

Directions:Mix the oil and flour in a bowl well. Add the water and knead it until it's smooth. Wrap it in plastic and put it in the fridge for an hour. While it chills, skin the cucumber, scoop the seeds with a spoon, and chop it fine. Empty the yogurt into a bowl and mix it with cilantro, ginger, crushed garlic, and cucumber. Now, finely chop the onion and red bell pepper. Toss them in a skillet with the meat, lemon, cinammon, ginger, and more crushed garlic. Squeeze the lemon into the pan. Cook them all. Take the dough out of the fridge after the hour, knead it for about a minute, and start the hard part:

Cut the dough in half, cut each half into 12 sections, roll each section flat and very thing, cut it in half, put a spoon of stuffing in the middle, and fold the pocket over. You should have 48 or so little pockets. This is a total pain in the ass, unless you get about 2 or 3 people helping.

Now, fill a wok with about 2 inches of penut oil. Toss in some cilantro, ginger and garlic (notice a theme). Put each pastry in the wok for about 2 minutes a side (obviously, flip after one side is done.) Once they're all done, serve them with the cucumber sauce.

Review: It's really good. Incredibly so. Everyone that eats it agrees. It's also a terrible pain in the ass. Not so bad if you do all the slicing the night before, but it still takes forever to make. In titanic proportions, this would make a great party favor. I served this to four people with a green salad and with some fruits for a nice contrast. The stuffing can easily be changed to accomodate a vegetarian, or vegan, or martian, or whatnot. The pastries end up something like eggrolls, but better. The spices in the oil give the wrapping a great taste of its own, especially in conjunction with penut oil, which is essentially god's gift to people who don't care about their heart.

My Rating: 10/10

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