Revision #426


A guy. From the desert.

Fake nametyphoonius lucius maximus
Real nameJ.C. Fields
Birthdate14 February 1985
LocationNowhere, New Mexico
Quote"If we were all more like typhoon, the world would be a more rational, peaceful, and vastly more morose place." —Magnum
Web siteBlue Light

[South Park me]

The author is a perpetually bored electrical– and computer-engineering major at North Carolina State University who likes backwards guitar solos, attention to details, ice cream, mouse wheels, sleep, 16-bit video games, style sheets, B-sides, liquid nitrogen, bass guitars, chocolate milk, command-line operating systems, the color orange, British rock, manual transmissions, vodka, open-source software, making up words, vinyl records, hyphens, foreign coins, foreign languages, girls with long hair, weird plural forms, PNGs, high places, broadband internet, and songs about rain, and dislikes the word "facetious," fanaticism, web pages that move, overanalysis, snow, dance music, advertisements, explanations for things that can't be explained, shopping malls, triteness, sequels, attention, glasses, Millard Fillmore, time, any e-mail more interested in the size of his penis than he is, carburetors, books about whales, "literally" used to mean "metaphorically," irony as a substitute for confidence, Microsoft Internet Explorer, states containing the letter "x," floppy disks, "emoticons," being corrected, reasonless happiness, television, and most people. He would be looking for the meaning of life if he cared.


I write on occasion. Some of my outlets:


I've designed a few web sites. There's a more complete list on Blue Light, but here's a nice list of some of the less embarrassing community sites I've done:


Here is my 150+ KB penis extensi—I mean, album collection. The particularly bored can also see what I'm listening to.

I have a Theory of Everything.

This is a collection of list files for Blizzard game MPQs. They're the most complete I've ever seen, although mostly because I found the really obscure files that no one uses anyway.